Introduction to Our Health Section

Welcome to the Health Section of IMD Group, dedicated to improving the well-being and healthcare outcomes of the community in Tripoli. Our Health Section encompasses four pillar programs, each designed to address crucial aspects of healthcare and ensure the provision of quality services to those in need.

Our first pillar program focuses on supporting dispensaries and primary healthcare centers. Through this initiative, we provide comprehensive coverage of medical examination costs and lab tests to as many individuals each month across all areas in Tripoli. By removing financial barriers to healthcare access, we strive to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to receive the necessary medical attention they require.

Another key aspect of our Health Section is the Health Workers Skills Development Program. We believe in equipping healthcare professionals and interested individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide effective care. To achieve this, we offer first aid courses and training sessions on various health-oriented topics. By enhancing the expertise of healthcare staff and empowering beneficiaries with healthcare education, we aim to foster a well-informed and skilled healthcare workforce.

Disease awareness and prevention are critical elements of our work. In collaboration with local partners, we have organized a Breast Cancer Awareness campaign that has benefited 120 women in four areas of Tripoli. This campaign included free mammography tests to facilitate early detection and promote proactive healthcare practices. Furthermore, we are currently implementing a Cholera Awareness campaign in thirteen areas across North Lebanon, aiming to raise awareness and prevent the spread of this disease.

Lastly, our Health Care and Services Program focuses on providing basic healthcare services to vulnerable beneficiaries. We ensure access to essential medication and, based on a vulnerability needs assessment, extend support for hospitalization costs when necessary. Through this program, we aim to alleviate the burden of healthcare expenses and promote equitable access to healthcare services for those facing financial challenges.

At the Health Section of IMD Group, we are driven by the vision of a healthier and more resilient community. Through our four pillar programs, we work tirelessly to improve healthcare access, enhance skills and knowledge, raise disease awareness, and provide vital healthcare services to those who need it the most. Join us in our mission to create a healthier future for Tripoli, one that ensures the well-being of all individuals and promotes a culture of proactive healthcare.